journal it out

Alisa Burke





I teach a lot of classes on how to make art but what I haven't shared is one of the most profound and important ways that I USE art and the creative process. I've discovered after a lifetime of creativity- that sometimes you don't have words or images or even the time to create your next masterpiece. Honestly, sometimes you've got so much going on in your life, your head and your heart that you don't feel like making "something" beautiful. It is in these moments that I let all of that go and I use the creative process to express myself, get my feelings out, work through my emotions and document my experiences and memories. 

In this class I share how to use your art journal as a personal and sacred space to connect with your feelings, memories and experiences. Without pressure, we will work through over 40 expressive, abstract and intuitive concepts and techniques that will give you the courage and the confidence to tap into your own unique narrative. My hope is to show you simple but proufound ways to connect your art with your emotions and your life and how amazing it can feel to just journal it out!


I am not a therapist, I am simply an artist who has used the creativity to process, heal, celebrate and find power in my experiences and I want to share these things with you! I make no promise of healing, finding joy or overcoming hard things by taking this class- but I do promise that you will walk away with really simple and applicable concepts to connect creativity to your experiences. 



  • Journal it Out is structured into 5 large inspiring posts.
  • All of my classes have unlimited access- once the class launches you can create and access the class at any time and work at your own pace. There is no deadline or pressure to create
  • Class will be held on a private blog that only registered students are able to access.  
  • All information for the class is all posted at once and ready for access and work at your own pace.
  • YOU WILL HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS once you register
  • Basic computer skills are needed (be able to login, access a blog, etc) 
  • There will be : LOTS of photos step by step visuals, over 40 video lessons of yours truly teaching and teaching in my studio.
  • A high speed connection if definitely recommended (because of the above!) 
  • Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive art/craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!) 
  • Feel free to register at anytime.
  • No refund unless there are special circumstances.

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