beneath the surface online class

Alisa Burke


beneath the surface online class from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

to view the video in a larger format click on the link above


I am super excited about this class because I LOVE surface design and with a background in painting and printmaking I have discovered and put my twist on all kinds of easy techniques to build layers, create pattern, work with color and use a variety of simple tools and materials to go wild on the surface of fabric. Rarely will you find me buying fabric for my sewing projects and mixed media projects, instead I always try and make my own. The result is a huge stash of colorful, sometimes messy, pretty, unique and one of a kind fabric to use in a variety of my projects.

Beneath the Surface is a class dedicated to designing and creating your very own unique and one of a kind fabric. We will start with the design process and move into all kinds of techniques- screen printing, dyeing, resists, painting and LOTS more. And not to worry if you are wondering what to do with all your fabric- I've got another class coming soon all about sewing.


Once you register and pay, within 24 hours you will receive an email confirmation with login information about the site where the class is held.

Important note about all my online classes-

All of my classes have unlimited access which means once you register you can create and access class content at any time and work at your own pace. Whenever I "release" a new class- I always structure it in a week format. Many people who want to work in this format, as the lessons are posted each week, enjoy working at this pace but once the five weeks are up there is unlimited time to access everything.

I have found that some people prefer to work along with the five week format when I release the class while others will wait months until they have the time, money and the schedule to register for the class. Either way works- just know that once you are- there is no deadline or pressure to create.



Class costs $50!

Class will be held on a private blog that only registered students are able to access. 

The class is set up in 5 week format with 1 lesson per week.

Work along with the 5 week format or take your time- YOU WILL HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS after the last lesson is posted.

Basic computer skills are needed (be able to login, access a blog, etc) 

There will be : TONS of photos step by step visuals, video lessons of yours truly teaching and demoing in my studio.

A high speed connection if definitely recommended (because of the above!) 

Class Flickr photo pool, opportunities to connect and chat online.

Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!) 

REGISTRATION: Payment is accepted via PayPal (if you need an exception to this please email me and let me know). 

Feel free to register at anytime No refund unless there are special circumstances. 

Once you register and pay, within 24 hours you will receive an email confirmation with login information about the site where the the class is held.

You will have unlimited access to class the day your register.

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