studio retreats


Recently, I've received inquiries about the future of my Oregon Coast art retreats and while I've talked aboutย it over the last couple of years, I wanted to give another update.

As many of you know, I canceled my retreats back in January of 2020. When I made this decision I knew it would likely extend into 2021 and now here we are in 2022. While I know many of my creative colleagues may be doing things differently, at this point I've made the decision to continue to hold off on scheduling any live retreats.

I know there will likely be people who won't agree but in this moment, the decision to cancel live events continues to be the right option for me, my family, my values and my business philosophy. If there is anything a pandemic has taught me (and there have been many things) it's that it's ok to pivot, reinvent and change things! So for now my studio retreats will continue to be on hold until things feel safe and appropriate.

Getting to open my studio, teach, create and share my hometown of Seaside, Oregon with so many creative, beautiful souls from around the world has not only been an honor but life changing. I cannot tell you how much it means to have shared my studio with so many of you and I look forward to the day when we can gather and create together again. In the meantime, I will continue to offer online classes and creative opportunities. Thanks to so many of you out there who support what I do!

I am offering custom virtual retreats for groups- visit the listing below if you are interested in more information.
